Immobili esistenti

Existing buildings

Direzionale _28L

Town: Castel Maggiore
Rent - Commercial
Unità immobiliare ad uso ufficio sito in palazzina con fronte su via Saliceto, zona industriale. L'immobile si compone di due unità: unità uffici primo piano con estensione di 232 mq, unità uffici secondo piano con estensione di 76 mq.Le due unità sono locabili anche separatamente.
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Bologna is one of the most important provinces in Italy for the number of manufacturing and service companies. Its industrial structure is mainly composed of small and medium-sized enterprises and among its manufactoring companies , it includes several European and World excellences. The most representative sectors are: precision mechanics , mechatronics , electronics , food and fashion. Bologna offers significant advantages in terms of logistics , since it is located in the center of the main road and rail networks in the country and has an international airport.